Mr. Zhang +86-21-36308843/13611689036
Ms. Li +86-21-36308842 /13651645474
Fax: +86-21-36308845

Formic acid
Contact: Mr.Zhang +86-13611689036
Product parameter
Product name:Formic acid
Alias: FormicacidAmeisensure; Acide formique; Acido formico; Ameisensaeure; Bilorin; Collo-bueglatt; Formira; Formisoton; Hydrogen carboxylic acid; Kwas metaniowy; Kyselina mravenci; Mierenzuur; Myrmicyl; methanoic acid; Formic acids
Molecular formula:HCOOH
Density: 1.22
Flashing point: :68.9 ℃
Boiling point:100.8℃
Appearance:colorless clear liquid
Properties: colorless with pungent odor
Storage: should be preserved in cool and ventilated warehouse; keep it away from fire and heat source; seperate with oxidizing agent, base, active metal powder
To use
In medical industry: analgin, vitamin B1, mebendazole
In pesticide industry: triadimefon, chlorphenamicine hydrochloride and dicofol
In chemical industry: as chemical cleaning agent for cleaning of stainless steel equipment
In leather industry: tanning agent, deliming agent and neutralizing agent of leather
In rubber industry: polycoagulant of rubber
Other: for manufacturing of dyeing mordant, dyeing agent of fiber and paper, treating agent, plasticizer, food preservative and animal feed additive